Thursday, January 14, 2010

Massive quake flattens Haiti capital: Over 100,000 feared dead, says premier

Posted on 9:20 PM by Latest News

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Jan 13: More than 100,000 people were feared dead in Haiti on Wednesday after a calamitous earthquake razed homes, hotels and hospitals, leaving the capital in ruins and bodies strewn in the streets. Schools collapsed, trapping the dead inside, and cries of desperate victims escaped from flattened buildings in the centre of the capital Port-au-Prince, which an AFP correspondent said was “mostly destroyed”. With thousands of people missing, dazed survivors in torn clothes wandered through the rubble as more than 30 aftershocks rocked the ramshackle capital where more than two million people live, most in the grip of poverty. Some injured survivors wore makeshift slings and blood-soaked bandages. One woman was carried on a bit of debris used as a stretcher, past piles of smashed concrete, from which crushed bodies protruded.

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